25 August, 2011

New weather software

After a long time using FreeWX I have moved over to Cumulus software. This is because FreeWX is no longer being developed, and Cumulus is currently well supported.

FreeWX served me well, I have no complaints.

Unfortunately I now have the job of converting the past logs, going back to 2003.

18 February, 2011

Main blog page now updated

WeatherBonk no longer in business

This is a trial post from Android blogger

17 March, 2010

Humm, wunderground google gadget does not work at 400x400

Weather Underground are not interested in fixing it. It looks like I will have to go back to Weatherbonk for the PWS map on my main weather page

10 March, 2010

This blog has moved

This blog is now located at http://weatherblog.rochesterlodge.net/.
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.

For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to

09 March, 2010

Sorted a wunderground map at long last

Weatherbonk had just become too unreliable. The Google embedded gadget is also more versatile.

15 June, 2009

Big thunderstorm

I thought the lightning had fried the wind sensor, but eventually, after resetting the weather station, it came back. The reset knocked out the barometer calibration and I still have to update the accumulated rainfall which has been lost.

23mm of water fell in about 30s

06 May, 2009

New view of weather installation

Using Google street view, see bottom of page. You can just make out the anemometer and wind direction mast on the far chimney stack, the white cylinder on the wall is the outdoor temperature and humidity sensor. The white blob on the ridge to the right is the rainguage. The indoor temperature, humidity and pressure sensor is - indoors.

28 April, 2009

Power failure

RCD tripped at 5am, UPS exhausted at 7am, power restored at 7:30

18 March, 2009

Rearranged the mainweb page a bit

12 January, 2009

added another 2 hPa to pressure

Should be in the middle of surrounding stations now (Kenley, Biggin Hill, London Weather Centre)